  • Bangbang Espresso Bar and Cafe in Surry Hills
    Bangbang Espresso Bar and Cafe in Surry Hills
    CBD & Inner City

    Breakfast on weekends is a very big deal for me. During the week I am always running late for work. I either miss breakfast altogether or pick up something quick on the way. I know its bad for me but bad habits die hard. One weekend I woke feeling inspired to have a great breakfast at a nice cafe. Pizzaboy thought I was insane, but I would not let the idea go. So I jumped on Urbanspoon and came across this lovely cafe in trendy Surry Hills. It is located uphill amongst some lovely terrace houses. Its clean, bright and quirky decor made me feel wide awake and relaxed. I loved the giant sketch of a headphone set across the wall - a not-so-subtle hint to the owner Alan Thompson's days as international DJ extraordinaire. We quickly order our coffee because I am not capable of making a sensible breakfast…

  • Soffritto in Newtown – Oh my! How good is this!
    Soffritto in Newtown – Oh my! How good is this!
    CBD & Inner City

    Have you ever stumbled upon a place and given it serious consideration and then passed it up. Only to find that many days later the curiosity has grown from the size of pea to a giant watermelon? I was gazing into the window of this little restaurant one evening and did just that. It only had 15 items on its menu, the lighting was very low and there wasn't anyone in there at 6pm. However, there was something about it... an air of mystique. It got the better of me one boring Thursday afternoon at work and I rang to make a reservation for Friday date night with the boy. Phone call made on Thursday afternoon "Hello? This is Soffritto." "Hi, I would like to make a reservation for 2 people at 6.30pm on Friday night." "Ahh.... yes, we are able to fit you in. It will be a full…

  • Bitton Gourmet – Cafe and Grocer
    Bitton Gourmet – Cafe and Grocer
    Eastern Suburbs

    I had come across Bitton Gourmet in the Sydney Morning Herald Foodies Guide 2010. Its little blurb about their famous jams and dressings was enticing enough for me to view their website. From that point on my curiosity grew. I loved the description of a green grocer, cafe, and gourmet food shop, and was convinced I had to pay a visit. Pizzaboy and I invite Papa & Mama Bear along with us for a Sunday Lunch. It turned out we got more than what we expected and truly love and believe in this wonderful establishment in Alexandria. We arrive at the store in between the breakfast and lunch rush. We were seated inside the cafe as the tables outside were all occupied. I was slightly disappointed because I prefer my food pictures to be lit by sunlight. I politely ask if we could move when there is a table free.…