  • Chairman Mao’s Red Braised Pork Belly – Hong Shao Rou by Fuchsia Dunlop
    Chairman Mao’s Red Braised Pork Belly – Hong Shao Rou by Fuchsia Dunlop
    Asian Recipes

    Hello Everyone. I've been missing-in-action for a couple of months now. Those that follow me on twitter will know that Pizzaboy and I have finally bought a home. It was the right size, in the right suburb, in the right location and at the right price. This is the first time both of us have moved away from home and so far it's been fun. We are both so happy and we can't help but be playful whilst unpacking. I am also delighted that the kitchen is flooded with sunlight from dawn to dusk. This will make photography and blogging so much more easier and pleasant. I've been stocking my pantry full of all the things that I love and marking recipes in cookbooks that I want to try. One of these recipes is Chairman Mao's Red Braised Pork Belly. I doubled the recipe because Pizzaboy and I are greedy…

  • Pineapple Upside Down Cupcakes
    Pineapple Upside Down Cupcakes
    American Recipes

    It's been a while since my last post. I've been busy re-designing my blog layout and house-hunting. Both tasks are proving to be a big challenge, but I will soldier on and not give up. I am too determined to have the blog layout of my dreams and a humble abode. One thing is for sure I have a bad habit of diving into the deep end of things without a crash helmet. There are some important lessons that I have learnt: Firstly, patience and understanding is a virtue. My poor sister has to put up with my nonsense explanations, multiple emails, random phone calls and constant questions. She really is a gem for doing this probono. Secondly, don't listen to anyone (except your mortgage broker) when it comes to advice about home loans and real estate. It is currently an unstable/unpredictable economic climate where legislation and laws change almost…

  • Java Indonesian Restaurant in Randwick
    Java Indonesian Restaurant in Randwick
    Asian Restaurant Reviews

    I was introduced to the many wonders of the Indonesian cuisine by a workmate from many years ago. Someone whom I affectionately call WuWu. She is the sweetest and most delightful person. I have to admit that I have not visited an Indonesian restaurant since her return to her motherland. Indonesian food just isn't the same without her. One day, my sisters unexpectedly asked if I wanted to go along with them to Java. Apparently it is one of the better Indonesian restaurants that is scattered around Kensington, Kingswood and Randwick. I immediately wanted to pick up the phone and call WuWu and ask for her help as to what to order, but she was too far away and an email just won't cut it. So I went along without any idea what to expect and had a wonderful time. This one's for you Wuwu. I miss you little lady.…