  • Ham in Coca Cola by Nigella Lawson
    Ham in Coca Cola by Nigella Lawson
    American Recipes

    I have a quiet obsession with all things retro-kitsch-trashy. You wouldn't know it if you saw me. I mostly keep it to myself as I fear the sideways glance when people realise that I collect some of the stuff they tried to get rid of in their garage sale. I am not hardcore when it comes to going through vintage markets, I simply pick up items whenever I spot them. My obsession with cookbooks takes precedence. Here are some retro-kitsch-trashy things in my kitchen or on my mind * I have a timer in the shape of a hen with little chicks as the time guide * Two chicken-shaped egg holders live next to two owl salt'n'pepper shakers that sit on a celery green soap dish. * I have an ice cream scoop in the shape of an ice cream * Most of the items in my kitchen do not…