  • Apples for Jam by Tessa Kiros
    Cookbook Reviews

    I am a sucker for sales. Especially cookbook sales. It is not very often that brand new books go on sale. Well, the local department store had a 35% off cookbooks. I said to myself over and over again. "I must not buy junk, I must not buy junk." All to often i buy things that i think are a bargain and all too often they end up collecting dust or i later realise it was a piece of junk. And lets be honest. There are many terrible cookbooks out there that do not deserve me and my hard earned money. I parouse the aisle of cookbooks and pick up ones that take my fancy. I am superlucky to find a spare armchair to sit on and leaf through the many cookbooks i have stacked next to me. Apples For Jam was one of four books that i bought that…