  • Pecan Pie from Baking by Dorie Greenspan
    Pecan Pie from Baking by Dorie Greenspan
    American Recipes

    My very first job was at a sandwich store called Gourmet Fast & Fresh. It wasn't any ordinary sandwich shop, it was like a supermarket of sandwiches and baguettes. It was housed in a two storey building. The top level was where the sandwiches were made and packed, then downstairs was were they were displayed and sold. Customers simply came in and chose their pre-made sandwiches, selected a drink, picked up a sweet dessert and paid for them at the register. The managers were a married couple and they were very charitable and kind. At the end of every night they allowed the employees to take home whatever they did not sell and if there was anything left after that, they gave it to the Salvation Army. It introduced me to combinations of fillings that I had never seen before: Turkey + Cranberry Sauce + Camembert Chicken + Avocado +…

  • Homemade Pop Tarts – AMAZING!!
    American Recipes

    Pop Tarts were my preferred choice of breakfast back in the days of high school. My mother was always concerned that I was not getting a healthy breakfast, but I was never an early riser and these were ready in a matter of minutes before I rushed out the door. After ten years, I no longer eat pop tarts, but I still rush out the door to head to work. Old habits die-hard. I was looking to make a sweet pastry pie, so I bought Bubby's Homemade Pies. (I will use any excuse to buy a beautiful cookbook). Sweet pastry pies are not very widespread in Australia like they are in the US. The only ones I find easily available are from Sara Lee in the frozen food section at the supermarket. Movies & TV Shows like Fried Green Tomatoes, Waitress and Pushing Daisies, have propelled my craving for this…