Beef Bourguignon
European RecipesOne personality flaw that I admit to without any hint of shame is that my eyes are bigger than my tummy (I think I am safe admitting it here). I almost always order more food than I can stomach and therefore doggy-bags are a common occurrence when dining out. I cannot be trusted without a measuring spoon as eye-balling ingredients will always lead to too much salt, spice and all things nice. I am also guilty of going to the supermarket for milk and bread and coming back with an entire trolley full of goodies. I almost eat an entire meal whilst "taste-testing" whatever is on the stove-top and always get caught red-handed because I am constantly hovering over the pot with a spoon. This is what happened when I was making this delicious Beef Bourguignon. I instantly blamed the recipe for smelling so good that I couldn't resist the…